marți, 6 noiembrie 2012

A strange day 

luni, 13 august 2012

Fast food - Pro and against essay

Fast Food is a whole chain of stores where you eat "on the run". Fast Food does not necessarily mean you have to eat at those stores, and home, you might as well do that. Fast food most often refers to hamburgers, kebabs, shaorma, etc.. But that does not mean that eating two bagels or eat healthy potted. In this dish there are few advantages such as it is very cheap and eat enough. But there are many disadvantage such as more and gain weight although dependent.

Advantage of being much cheaper and you can eat is good for people with low incomes who can not afford to eat healthy.

The disadvantage is that although fast food contains healthy things like vegetables sometimes, how they are mixed makes them unhealthy. The fact that you gain weight from it would be a great disadvantage because you can change, but that you become addicted to it east worst

In conclusion I agree that fast food is good and alcoholic: With measure!

marți, 12 iunie 2012


Cloning is a way to multiply people. Personally I do not know if this method has been tested or even invented.
To start with cloning is a vun to prolong your life. This way, you get older and live forever without dying.
Another good thing is that if you have a serious illness to resume life with recent memories but with a healthy body.
A bad thing is it would be incorrect to live your life forever. Is better to know that living a life, and you do what you want.
Another bad thing is that if it were invented cloning, obviously it would be only for rich people, and it would be unfair for some people to live forever and some die of old age or other diseases. My opinion is as if he invented this method and would be free or at an affordable price su smell, is that it would be well.

Recommendation for a place for a holiday

Sibiu is the most beautiful city that I've seen so far. For people quiet, it is ideal. The city isvery clean and attractive design. Besides these attributes he has, his people are very friendly and always ask them for advice, they always are ready to help.
Adventure Park.
Is the most beautiful amusement park in the world. In addition to being a way to consumeyour energy, is also a way to improve your logic and every move you make.


British Culture

My spring brake

This spring brake was the most beautiful holiday of ten's of vacation in my life.

The first thing that was awesome it was when I went with my cousin in a disco at the countryside. In that night, we were stayed there until 4 o'clock and we drunk some beer and a lot of juice. There we spend the most beautiful time at the countryside.

In that night, my cousin has exaggerated with beer and when we go home, he fall on the street. That happened in the Easter Night. When I said him to don't drink any beer, he don't listen me.

My first baptism. Finally, my parent decided to become God Parents. A friend of my dad said to my mum if my dad want to become the God Parent of his baby, and my mum asked him millions of times an finally my dad accept that.

In conclusion, that holidays was the most beautiful in the world.c